Paying for your concert tickets
The simplest way to pay is online:
There are no booking fees for paying online for concert tickets.
All seats are unreserved and doors open for each concert at 7.00 pm. Doors will be closed at 7.25 pm to allow patrons time to be in their seats by 7.30 pm and enable a prompt start of the concert
If you do not wish to pay online using a credit or debit card, you can make payment either:
1 On the door of the venue:
If seats are available - ​by credit or debit card, or with cash.
If you wish to pay on the door please could you tell us in advance how many people will be in your group by leaving the information in the message box on the Contact Us page. This will help us organise the seating arrangements. Please note that we cannot guarantee seats unless payment is made in advance.
2 By BACS:
To pay by bank transfer (BACS), please write to us using the Contact Us page to ask for our bank details.
When you make the transfer, in the reference please insert your name and the date of the concert you are booking.
For individual concert tickets:
If you wish us to e-mail you your tickets, please give us your e-mail address using the Contact Us page. Otherwise, please simply register at the door when you arrive.
3 By cheque:
This should be made payable to 'Oxted & Limpsfield Music Society' and sent to O&LMS Treasurer, c/o 17 Stanhopes, Limpsfield, RH8 0TY. Please write on the back of the cheque your e-mail address and the date of the concert you are booking for.
For individual concert tickets:
On receipt of your payment we will e-mail you your tickets. If we don't have your e-mail address, please simply register at the door when you arrive.